MVZ Kinder- und Jugendärzte Fürth


to our holistically oriented healthcare centre for paediatric and adolescent medicine in Fürth.

We’re delighted to introduce you to our specialist practice for paediatric and adolescent medicine, with a focus on paediatric cardiology, neuropaediatrics, paediatric pneumology, allergology and neonatology.

We provide your children with medical care that you can trust.

Your paediatric and adolescent medicine team in Fürth

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Kinder- und Jugendärzte
Specialist practice for
paediatric and adolescent medicine

Paediatric cardiology
Paediatric pneumology
Natural therapy
Asthma training
Nutritional medicine

Facharzt Forum Fürth
Bahnhofplatz 6
90762 Fürth

Tel. 0911/77 01 00
Fax 0911/741 72 66


Click here to visit our private practice

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